12 November 2011


Isaac spent the morning working in a friend's woodshop building a bird house.  He learned how to measure, why woodworking pencils are flat instead of round, and how to punch his initials in copper sheeting.  When I picked him up two hours after dropping him off and running errands, they had made a rather impressive birdhouse.  He also had a hammer, measuring tape, carpenters apron, some carpenters pencils, and one of those triangle shaped tools that help you draw square lines to begin his very own tool collection.  It was one of those times when I am overwhelmed by and oh so thankful for our village.

As I was looking at the birdhouse this afternoon, I was reminded of a book that I read to Isaac a couple of years ago.  I wish I had it this weekend to read.  Old MacDonald Had a Woodshop by Lisa Shulman is an adaptation of the children's song . . . I am sure you can guess which one.  In this story, Old MacDonald is a ewe and the song catalogs her workshop tools rather than farm animals.  It is a fun book to read and I am sure Isaac could teach me about the tools mentioned after his morning using them

The birdhouse Isaac made is sitting on the counter waiting to be painted.  It is something that I will cherish as a reminder that there are many people who love him and who are willing to take the time to teach him skills that his father or I may be unable to.  And who knows, maybe this will be the beginning of a life-long hobby.  I wouldn't mind a new dining table some day.

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